April 27, 2010

EAT AT HOME: Chickpea Salad

In my efforts to both save money and eat healthy I have put myself to task for taking my lunch to the dance studio! This can save upwards of $75 a week in NYC so its no small idea!  This week I was really kind of tired of the same old, same old (Banana, Almond Butter, Vegetable Soup, HB egg), so I decided to play a game: I looked in my cupboard and found one main ingredient (this week, A Bag of Chickpeas) and then went over to my favorite food blog Smitten Kitchen to search for a recipe.  What did I come up with? The most divine chickpea salad ever! Check it out here.  Adapted from Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone  I was originally won over by Smitten's glorious photographs -- so colorful, so spring!

After I made it, I was won over by the most delicious flavor -- and even better, mine looked just as beautiful!

I definitely recommend this recipe -- and even think its fun to make!  And roasting peppers, while a bit time consuming (Roast clean peppers whole for 60 minute on 375, turn every 20 minutes), well it makes your home smell so home-y! It's wonderful!

Bon Appet-B.!

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