A Personal Letter From Imani

Dear Supporters, 

As a former Foster Child, I have first hand experience of the often silenced challenges those with a history of family displacement face. Challenges that are often dismissed, glossed over, and/or outright ignored in an effort to place as many children as possible into caring homes through the extensive private and public adoption industry.    

There are over 140 million orphans globally -- with 500,000 children in the Foster Care System in the United States alone - many of whom are well into adulthood before they can even begin the process of recovery.  

 For those with histories of early trauma, displacement and loss in their family life, personal direction comes either very late, or, for an alarming majority, NOT AT ALL. 

 For these children statistics are grim: of those in foster care, nearly 33% end up homeless, 60% of young men are convicted of crimes; 30% are more likely to be substance abusers;  50% more likely to experience domestic violence.

Youth with experience in Foster Care are three times more likely not to graduate high school and confront significant obstacles along their educational journey. They typically have higher rates of absenteeism, grade retention, disciplinary referrals, behavioral & developmental problems and they often test below grade levels on standardized measures - regardless of IQ. 

Statistically, a majority of foster children and adoptees spend their lives battling depression, disorientation, delayed development, low self-esteem, addiction, social isolation and self-defeating behaviors.  

The research is so grim that studies on success rates of this population are rare, 
because success is deemed an anomaly.  

Moreover, the concerns voiced by this community are often silenced in an effort to assuage fears of potential families, and increase the possibility of finding permanent homes for children. 

The shame associated with speaking out about the negative consequences of foster care, legal guardianship and adoption mean that these individuals are often relegated to secret and closed support groups which operate outside of the public eye.

This means that there are millions of children and young adults cycled through the social service system who remain numb to their potential for the greater portion of their lives, with these circumstances leaving scars that persist well past childhood, even in best case scenerios -- a fact that is largely ignored by mainstream adoption culture, which is a billion dollar industry.

More Frankly, this is costing us as a country and society. 

For every person unable to reach their potential,  we are losing income, and unknown productivity and advancement. 

Gathering the courage to pursue my biggest vision for myself came late and certainly did not come easily. 

Constantly struggling with hidden depression and feelings of isolation and numbing disorientation, even ordinary daily chores often seemed monumental.  Underachievement fast became my friend in nearly every area of my life. 

Add to this that as time passed, my goals seemed increasingly impossible....and even, laughable. 

Nevertheless these unusual circumstances taught me so much about the incredible power of perseverance, and the Arts, and their importance and incredible power to transform lives. 

With my first big epiphany occurring when I saw ballet on TV as a child, I can emphatically say that this experience had a near magical effect on me and marked one of my first memories of joy, wonder and ease. 

At that time I was struggling to adjust to a new, legal family. From the surface, I had "made it out of the system".  However,  beneath the surface I was scared, tentative and numb.  

I was not the poster child of the well-adjusted adoptee that many exalt.  

Instead, I was experiencing discomfort, confusion, fear and anxiety -- affecting not only myself -- but my new family as well.

Seeing Ballet on television woke me up.  Even though I didn't have access to classes, this naive interest opened up new worlds to me.

Bearing little in common to my life in rural southern Ohio, I was absolutely captivated by the magic, splendor and beauty of the world of the Theatre.

This led me to seeking any information I could with most of my research taking place in my school library. The more I l researched and learned about Ballet,  the more I became interested in classical music, languages, world history, art, literature, politics -- all subjects touched on by simply reading books and watching videos about the Ballet.

Looking back, I gained a world-class education all due to this seemingly un-important interest. 

Likewise, music gave me an outlet for my pain. Listening to the great artists of jazz and rock and roll enabled me to find a voice for all of the pent up emotions that were railing inside of me. Emotions I was ill-suited to handling in any other manner.

Of course I never imagined that these early experiences would follow me well into adulthood, but somehow these interests clung to the shadows of my life until I had the fortitude to  pursue them. 

And now, here I am.  Pursuing my love of performance. at an age and level I could have never imagined possible.

As a child I never really questioned the ‘normalcy’ of my life – but as I have entered adulthood I have been able to reflect more deeply on my path. What I have come to learn is that I am not alone in this.  And that there is a MUCH bigger purpose to pursuing your dreams than merely having commercial success. There is a much bigger role that the Arts have for humanity, than merely being commoditized as entertainment.  

Statistics show that the world loses vast numbers of human resources to the after-effects of early childhood trauma.  As such, one of the promises I made when I set out on this path was that I would do everything I could to help others who come from similar backgrounds to myself.  

As such I knew that when I made this commitment to my own dreams, I was also making a commitment to forward the dreams of those with similar struggles. And this is what underlies my mission with FOSTER ARTS! 

THE FOSTER ARTS! MISSION is to utilize performance, public art installation and educational programming to address the concerns of those whose lives are affected by family displacement and childhood trauma, and to bring awareness to the concerns of those whose lives are touched by the Social Service system. 

FOSTER ARTS!  seeks to provide TUITION FREE professional and therapeutic arts workshops, programming, performances and scholarship monies to participants who are in most need. We envision a fully-funded world-class arts academy here the USA, that is in line with other such model institutions that exist worldwide. 

Through an enriching arts practice, FOSTER ARTS! endeavors to present participants with an opportunity to transform personal difficulties into a bigger and brighter purpose! 

Additionally I am also setting up THE FOSTER ARTS EDUCATIONAL FUND FOR ADULTS with the experience of child hood trauma, acknowledging that they so often arrive at their purpose when others think it is to late —  and subsequently, lack the financial and personal support necessary to further their education.