February 28, 2011


Ok so let me finally admit it here:  I HEART BALLET.  For those of you who know me "in person" this is sort of old news....for those of you who read me from a far...perhaps you just thought I was being lazy to not report regularly on the "other columns".  Truth is, I am absorbed in Ballet and given that I'm entirely late for such serious endeavors, between making a living (meaning making $$$) and dancing, I have little time for even sleep.  And so it is.

My publicist has been oh so patient as I get my act together and well, I hope he is finally on board with my newest decision to hone in on what I love most... and thus, can write about most.

SOOooooooooooo for all of you checking in for local events outside of dance, please TRY SOME DANCE EVENTS.... and for those dancers just putting up with my Rants and Raves, well you are gonna LOVE (I hope???) the new direction I'm taking.

In general this has been a real learning experience -- what started as My Bitchy Little New York Blog (thus Madame B.) -- a place to vent my frustrations of living in a city I love and doing everything I hate ...to my ramblings as a Minister of NYC Thought & Culture... to my current decision to write about what I love... we can all learn something by the fact that allowing things to develop organically always brings us to the most honest place of ourselves. And sometimes it is the Journey that clarifies our own understanding.  Had it not been for those moments when all I wanted to do was Bitch About Life in the Big Apple -- to then turning to reporting on local events and thoughts... to finally just deciding to cover dance... well I'd never be here now... finally just accepting yet another change to the platform.

So now I ask you to join me in my new venture... say tuned for my new forthcoming portrait and more interviews, class notes, instructional videos, chats with teachers, trinas and MEN IN TIGHTS (yum!) -- spotlighting  the Community I love most.  And for those of you others who are interested in Modern, Jazz, Hip Hip and more, don't be discouraged; the Madame loves all forms of movement.

For those of you Non-Dancers, don't turn away just yet...I'll still be covering Fashion Week,  Eating and some select City Events....you won't be forgotten!




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