Well here we have it. The miracle that is You Tube gives us all the opportunity a peak into perhaps the best training in the world. Where can we even begin with these lovely ladies?
Right away we see Plie Development with extended time being taken to GET ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PLIE, a very specific and "stylized" (and perfectly coordinated!) Port De Bras, & proper utilization of the leg muscles.
Other Things To Note: they seem to allow heels apart for the hyper-extended --although many have their heels together as well; they also seem to allow the knees to not be directly over the toes in plie at this level of training (perhaps this actually strengthens the ligaments when done at this age and in a controlled manner?); note the slight bend of the front leg when closing into 5th, thus not pushing the child backwards into a compensating movement when practicing Tendu. AND LETS NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT THEIR PERFECT TENDU DERRIERE -- featuring no excessive movement whatsoever...a product of superb placement and function. Overall what we are seeing is a very sophisticated level of placement and coordination at a very young age.
MY 2 CENTS: When I see videos such as this, I am often perplexed by today's trend in "clean, non-stylized" technique -- as I believe this cheats us all of learning the sense of pagentry, elegance & royalty necessary to the proper PERFORMANCE of the Classical Works. Of course the argument is that all this Style is unnecessary -- and that training more simply produces a sort of Blank Slate --and well, that might just be the problem behind the proliferation of so many negative reviews these days. When is a Blank Slate simply, BLANK? Furthermore, who dictates that someone who is schooled in such elegance as evidenced here can't simply learn not to use that -- when the choreography demands?
Personally I feel it's just a sort of nonsense way to avoid developing or teaching the true complexity required to give a truly moving and beautiful performance in the Classical Repertoire. I for one would much rather learn the more complex coordination and stylized port de bras and then, take it away later (which surely if I were to make it to the Professional World in 2011, I could easily do, right? Although I may not want to LOL) Particularly when we live in an era that is as "Anti-Classist" as it comes, and that Ballet is founded in the traditions of a Royal Court, I find it unlikely that training in the so-called clean manner can produce the sophistication as evidenced here (if for no other reason that a such-trained dancer may feel embarrassed to behave in what could feel "Superior" or be called "Classist". Particularly when its only "put on" for The Classics. Afterall, it takes a while to feel comfortable and to find yourself naturally in such Stature) Further, it seems that such Blank Slate training would also be just totally boring and way too physical & dare say, Athletic. To expect a 10 year old (or a ??? OLD!) to just stand at a barre and look straight on and not be able to add the necessary flourishes (which aren't mere flourishes by the way)?! ITS NONSENSE! Being able to use the imagination & feelings that these stylized ideas build-in seems much more fun and engaging -- & develops the fine musculature (!) and habituated elegance & presence necessary to build a Dancer that can perform beautifully through an entire Full-Length production. Moreover, IT'S LOVELY. And well, couldn't The World use a little bit more LOVELINESS?
At any rate, hope you enjoy the first of The Vaganova Files! There are certainly more where this came from!
Stay Tuned!
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