June 30, 2016

THE VAGANOVA FILES! Vaganova Academy Graduation 2016

Go get the tissues and sit yourself down to watch the most splendid Graduation performance of The Vaganova Academy! 

OMG! You are gonna YAY! BALLET! yourself silly because this is just glorious! 
The Vaganova Academy established in 1738 during the reign of Empress Anna, was known as the Imperial Ballet School up until Soviet times, when, after a brief hiatus, the school was re-established as the Leningrad State Choreographic Institute. In 1957, the school was renamed in honor of the renowned pedagogue Agrippina Vaganova, who cultivated the method of classical ballet training that has been taught there since the late 1920s. Graduates of the school include some of the most famous ballet dancers, choreographers and teachers in history and many of the world's leading ballet schools have adopted elements of the Vaganova method into their own training.
The Vaganova Academy is the associate school of the Mariinsky Ballet, one of the world's leading ballet companies. Students of the school have found employment with ballet and contemporary companies worldwide, such as the Bolshoi Ballet, The Royal Ballet, American Ballet Theatre and the Mikhailovsky Ballet. (Wikipedia)
Of course every dancer anyone can name has come form this lineage and its no secret that I myself am a Vaganova-phile!
For any of you who are wondering why, just sit back and watch the magic for yourself! 

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